Gareth Cope undertook is CPL training with the Australian Helicopter Academy in 2016.
“Coming up here was a great decision. I have had the opportunity to train with highly experienced instructors who have diverse helicopter industry backgrounds. I trained in the bush off the airport, in terrain and scenarios where and how helicopters are designed to operate. Every day I was exposed to a busy commercial helicopter operation and I was actively involved with the maintenance crew – a must in my opinion. I also got to live in the Kimberley, the view never gets old and the people are great.” – Gareth Cope – Gold Coast, QLD
As a result of the in-depth training provided by the Australian Helicopter Academy, Gareth successfully gained employment with HeliSpirit upon the completion of his Commercial Pilots Licence. 2020 will be Gareth’s fourth season with the company, where he will move into flying turbine helicopters (Bell JetRangers & LongRangers) up at the company’s busiest base, Mitchell Falls.